sculpture. reinforced concrete and polyester resin | 190 x 136 x 60 cm
sculpture | frontispiece detail
sculpture | chariot detail
sculpture | detail
sculpture. reinforced concrete and polyester resin | 190 x 136 x 60 cm
sculpture | detail
sculpture | chariot detail
sculpture | frontispiece detail
sculpture. pigmented concrete and cast metal | 18 x 14 x 6 cm
sculptures. pigmented concrete and cast metal | 18 x 14 x 6 cm
sculpture. pigmented concrete and cast metal | 18 x 14 x 6 cm
coir natural fiber doormat and paint | 300 x 113 x 1,7 cm
sculpture. plaster | 62 x 40 x 20 cm
silkscreen. 1 color 50 x 50 cm | signed and numbered
silkscreens. 4 and 3 colors 50 x 50 cm | signed and numbered
silkscreens. 5 and 6 colors 50 x 50 cm | signed and numbered
Imagine Architecture | 2014 | Gestalten